Love all to 20 all!!!!

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20years is a long time. Very long time For “and they lived happily ever after” A long time filled with a million moments. Of love and respect, connection, compassion and togetherness, of passion and poetry(in motion. A 17 and a 18yr old). It’s much much more…..

But also of volcanic eruptions, and intense storms. About disagreements and arguments. fights,screaming matches, silent treatment, negotiations, differences. Not being able to see each other’s pov… its celebrating immense intense love every moment since our boys were born To blaming the other for the kids follies. A divide demarcating the good parent from the bad parent.

Sometimes its also about giving up, questioning “how blind could love be”

It’s about farting and digging your nose unabashedly. Cracking jokes at others cost, getting annoyed and coming back with a snide remark.

Sometimes were flawless and others flawed.

Sometimes were a conjoined pillar of strength and other times were battered shoes and crushed self esteem.

Sometimes it was a match of passion and calm. Over excited and bored. Over expressive and cool as a cucumber. There’s no doubt indescribable attachment but there were times of detachment too.

There were times and then there were times, of immaturity and then of complete maturity and growth together. Holding hands may not be not so often but we got each other’s back every single living day. There were times Snd then there were times……..

20 years of good, Very good and not so good, all in a single package that like most things in life didn’t have a guarantee of working beyond a few year and yet after 20 years…..we still work!!!!

From love all to 20 all…….That’s a great score!

0 comments on "Love all to 20 all!!!!"

  1. Happy wedding anniversary Shefali and Vipul Sir. The years of togetherness is beautifully described and a rich journey filled with learnings.


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