‘Is it too soon???’

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Has anyone faced this dilemma? The perennial question of ‘is it too soon?’

We meet people. And without any reason,logic or explanation with some we just click. Like a switch goes on.

There isn’t much shared. No life altering conversations. No synch of thoughts. No earth shattering feelings. Not enough time or interaction beyond basics. But there’s a shift.

Ofcourse you know it’s temporary, limited interactions enveloped in courtesies and polite conversations. But there’s a look that lingers just that wee bit longer. There’s a crack of an unintended laugh. A thrown away word or line, meaning nothing, unannounced tentativeness and unexpected silence.

No there’s no ‘And they lived happily ever after.’ Thats extremely over rated. Ever after is only till this moment,this week,this month,this project or till this (train) journey wraps.

Some do stay in touch but mostly even with best intentions moving on is an expected.

So what do you do. Do you make that effort to connect, even if whatever it is is nascent with no predicteds.

Do you take a leap of faith and express, even if it’s politically incorrect, even if it’s overstepping cordiality and flirting on probability.

Or hold back and pass each day with formalities. Skimming facades of what everyone sees and everyone shows.

Or Do you make the most of ‘NOW’? Do you break that ice with a honest ‘I want to know.And I want to tell’.

Sharing details which may not even matter but those that lead to a superfluous flow of potent connect. in NOW and HERE. Only that is entirety.

Imagine if you take time to move from ‘hi, hello , glad to meet you’ to ‘do you feel it too?’ It’ll take eons of ‘WHAT IF’s’. And honestly we don’t have that much time.

So what to do? Keep lingering on the prologue and never read The book? Waiting for the other to reach out (mostly that may not happen because probably even they are waiting for the same from you) And you live wondering what happened then. Or rather what could’ve?

Or you dive in foolishly and become a part of their story. Albeit A short story but still…..

Such a pity to let go of what could have been just because I wasn’t careless enough.

0 comments on "‘Is it too soon???’"

  1. Love this and you

    Tarannum Sent from my iPhone


    Tarannum Khan

    1. Lov u babyyyyyyy

      Shefali Shah

  2. The last line says it all isn’t it…I wasn’t careless enough!!


  3. Yup! that too happens…

    BTW sometimes I miss your blogs bahut zyada and miss messaging youuuuuu

    Love you 3000😍

    Halcyon Azygos

    1. Awwwww 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

      Shefali Shah

  4. I did reply to this on your Insta
    Sure this has happened and it’s the genuine people that are rare to find
    You have written so intensely
    There is this beautiful saying by Maya Angelou that I will share with you

    Kavita Singh

    1. Pls do

      Shefali Shah

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