Gifts in the time of corona.

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He understands what I say (IF he hears me,which is rare).

He can decipher my expressions (as over reacting).

He completes my sentences(turning the meaning by 365 degrees).

And he agrees to disagree with me.

But what happened today has convinced me we are soul mates. Soul connect? Twin souls whatever.

He got me something which I’ve been longing for, pining for and haven’t been able to get my hands on.(literally). I have longingly and lovingly seen it on various sites. Have put it in my shopping cart on all possible online shopping links. (It’s a great feeling to put lots of items in you’re cart whilst online shopping. I fill my cart, leave it there and don’t buy it. It gives me a sense of an ongoing romance. Not consummated, the excitement intact to go back to that cart knowing a surprise is just just a click away.)

This was one such item waiting. In multiple carts on my phone. Which I haven’t been able to get.

How would he have known?

I never expressed my desire for this much coveted gem.

I never told him How incomplete I felt since I’ve laid my eyes on it.

I’ve never expressed that this and, and only this can complete me.

And yet, today, just like that he got it for me.

How I love this man for gifting me exactly that I’ve been craving for.It’s a gift that’s even better than my kids.


My new scrubbing gloves 😁😁😁

0 comments on "Gifts in the time of corona."

  1. Loved the twist at the end 🙂


  2. How You gonna celebrate your Birthday this Year? By doing Jhaadu pochha on ur own?😀😀😀😀 Will this Year you will make a list of OCD and what to clean next? Like last year you write down all your party planning?😁😁😁😁😁

    Halcyon Azygos

    1. I’ll plan a party wit my girls once it opens. But fr the bdy I’ll sleep 😁atleast Thts wat I intend to do. Sleep on 21 by 11.30pm n wake up on 23 at 11.30am😁😁😁😁😁

      Shefali Shah

      1. Hahahahahaha🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This sounds Interesting.

        Halcyon Azygos

      2. I love reading your posts. They keep me laughing in difficult times. Please continue to write for us, letting us into small bits of your life.
        – a 16 year old admirer of yours


        1. Thanku 😁🤗

          Shefali Shah

  3. Wah! What a twist 😂😂 , I attentively started reading it but the ending 😂😂how can I forgot that who’s the writer 😝😝

    Karamjit Dhaliwal

    1. 😁😁😁

      Shefali Shah

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