All it takes,is a little…

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Alarms shall ring,after your sleeps complete.

you’ll find you’re slippers at your feet.

Wake up to bird songs with you’re masala chai,

Lazily as you watch the sun rise shy.

Squeeze out,just the right amount of paste.

Have a shower without any haste.

At breakfast,have a moment to relish the juice.

Laces untangled,comfortable shoes.

The help comes on time, the maushi cooks great.

Without any exercise you still loose weight.

A whiff,of your favourite perfume.

A long forgotten,reminiscent tune.

The Afternoon sun shaded,by the clouds.

No traffic jams,no pushing crowds.

A prompt yes,from the ricksha guy.

A few free chilles,with vegetables You buy.

A functioning phone, whose ring tone can be heard,

The ringtone being a song you preferred.

A simple call,to say you are thought of.

A message of love that can’t be stopped.

Some hushed giggles,a full throttle laughter.

A long banal conversation,some silly banter.

A stupid joke,at the time of crisis.

Risen heights,dropped sizes.

A dog eared book,some underlined line.

Blushed cheeks,after a shared wine.

A tight hug,penetrating stares.

An urgent kiss,that catches unawares.

A little understanding,a little praise.

Expectations lesser, surprises raised.

Little patience,a bit of forgiveness.

yellowed photographs,testimony of togetherness.

A confided feeling,of a secret alliance.

An old,term of endearment,some shared silence…

A pinch of salt,                                      A dash of spice,                                 And a spoon full of sugar!!!

Finally,all it takes,is just a little!!!!

0 comments on "All it takes,is a little…"

  1. Loved you for Acting, now you’ve got me with writing as well…..
    I Love You…. Shefali Shah.. Will meet you soon..!!
    No joking!!


    1. Thanku

      Shefali Shah

  2. Acting, painting and now writing. You amaze me Everytime. You are like a rosebud. A new petal emerges as time goes, showing a different aspect of your personality..

    Arpita Garud

    1. Thanku

      Shefali Shah

  3. Amazing write up…. U amaze me every time with acting and this time writing


    1. Thanku so much

      Shefali Shah

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