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The other day when I went for the groceries I also had to stop at a medical store for some supplies for mom & dad.
I was on a mission, focused, armed with gloves, mask, sanitizer, ‘to get’ list, pen (to tick mark) & bag to get what I needed.
My one point agenda was get in, get stuff, get out.
But some people (amazing) were waltzing around like they were taking a stroll in a museum. Stopping at every exhibit. Admiring it. Reading the history behind the creation (read toothbrush).
I understand we are quarantined & would grab any excuse to get out but they were not only blocking space they were also touching every single thing that was on the shelves.
One woman checked every shampoo bottle (like she was buying one bottle for each day). Another guy checked baby powder (He himself looked like a baby. Maybe it was for him.) another woman checked 5 bottles of mouthwash which looked like the same brand, same size & same packaging to me. And didn’t get even one. Guess the colour didn’t match her bathroom tiles.
Then there was this man. Evidently more focused than me, having a very intense conversation with the harrowed & over worked staff. About… a skin cream.
Asking every possible question in the book, about the cream & life in general. Freudian questions, life altering questions, existential questions. And I was answering all of his questions in my mind.
Him – ‘Can anyone use this?’
Me – (sure, man, woman, pet, sofa anyone)
Him – ‘Anywhere?’
Me – (yeah Bandra, Worli, Malad anywhere)
Him – ‘Do the dark spots disappear when used?’
Me – (Dalmatian’s too!)
Him – ‘What is the chemical config. of this?’
Me – (H2O for sure)
Him – ‘What is it for?’
(My thoughts exactly on witnessing him)
Him – ‘If this is for night, then which one is for the day?’
Me – (Which day? all days? Do weekends count?)
Him – ‘Is it for all ages?’
Me – (Yup! Dinosaur age, Prehistoric age? Stone Age??? You name it.)
Him – ‘Will it work on wrinkles?
Me – (Sure. On page & clothes too)
Him – ‘What’s the expiry date?’
Me – ‘Definitely after you beauty queen, (if you don’t leave right now.)’
He then asked for a mask. Beauty mask.
I left.
While HE is still there, waiting for the freckles to go 🙄

0 comments on "Why??????"

  1. Love the way you put things out there. Would love for you to read my writing. On Instagram. @talesofmywings

    I have a virtual vibe for you! So much love!

    Prachi Bhardwaj

  2. Hahaha..people are sometimes too much..wonderfully described..

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