We are survivors….
I was supposed to be at the Istanbul airport,on 28th June 2016. The day of the attack. I was lucky. But not unaffected,by Turkey or Nice or Munich.I wonder,what purpose is acquired by the innumerable terrorist attacks,all over the world,happening in rapid succession?! I fail to understand it.
Is it To spread fear? Terror? Is it to underline the precedence of a certain religious sect,or government,or a group of attention seeking individuals,or just an individual. Trying to gain,significant power,and respectability,over lesser mortals??
Well,they obviously fail!
All they garner is hate and disdain,and condemnation of their doings.It works,on the contrary.
After an attack,or a calamity,or a catastrophe,what is most remembered??!!
What is remembered,is the ressurection of hope,of unity,of humanity and of fearlessness. What stays,is people coming together,not to be cowed down,but infact,to support each other,and stand taller.
The pain of such an attack is long lingering,but the fear is short lived. People collect their pieces,put them selves,and others,back together,and start moving on. No one stops stepping out,or flying,or going to work,or going to malls.
Surviving,is every living beings birth right. Surviving,is what comes to us naturally.
Every living creature knows this,except terrorists,who I guess are long gone dead within…
“The fear of death doesn’t keep us from dying,it only keeps us from living.”
And contrary to what ever may be their belief,and,try as hard,as they may….. We will keep living!!!!