To Mr/Ms “Do-Little”….
Im told I’m a classic “Doer”.I do things before I’m told. I give,before I’m asked, I love,more than imagined. I care,more than expected. I repair,before it breaks. Basically I carry the responsibility of the entire world on my shoulders. Which are constantly hurting now,I wonder why??!!And I do so,not because I owe it to anyone,but simply because,I want to. It makes me content.That’s me.
But then,when I expect the same in return,they are shocked,almost as though I asked for the moon. Not realising that I have been giving the sun,moon and the stars without being asked to.
Patience,has not been one of my strongest virtues.
But off late,the term I seem to be voicing,most often is “I don’t have any patience,any more.”
Yes,finally,I have reached a point,where I do not have any patience,any more,to tolerate,anyone’s incapabilities. I do not have any patience,to bear anyone’s insensitivity towards me. I don’t have patience,to deal with anyone’s inadequacies. And I have no patience left for other’s excuses.
Nor do I have any patience to understand anyone’s problems,busy schedules,mental issues,or preference of choices,where I am constantly compromised. I don’t have patience to understand your absence,or lack of sensitivity,unless you are absolutely dying.
“Handling with kid gloves” is only reserved for my kids,and sometimes not even for them.
Ofcourse i will love,and care,as much as I always did. But do not mistake my compassion,to be my weakness. Don’t take for granted,my always being around,for dependency,or helplessness. Don’t misinterpret my selflessness to be your birth right.
I was unconditional till now,but it’s high time,others read the fine print.
The onus of every relationship,every moment and every situation doesn lie on me alone.
It’s time,others walk half way through,to meet me,love me,care for me,and to show me so.
I,don’t have the patience,to do it alone,any more.
I may be the “Doer” but it’s time, others became “Do-Little” too.
I’m glad you’ve finally CHOSEN to stop allowing people to come n go in your life as they please. Hope they wake up n smell the coffee
Finally… The alarm goes off… I am glad.
I could connect….
plabita gogoi
Shefali Shah
Hii, Shefali!!
i can totally relate to this… very well & thoughtfully penned. ‘m a big time fan of yours.
Lûv U To The Moon & Back 😍
Mrs. Hemakshi Tejas Vora
Thanku 😞
Shefali Shah