Saw “Pink”. Couldn’t stop crying.Not because I was emotional.But because I was angry.I was very very angry. Livid! This film is not about encroachment alone. It’s about a way of thinking….regressive and sickening.
A Women will wear traditional clothes,she will respect others,she will be absorbing of everyone’s expectations,and absolving of everyone’s follies. She will behave properly,dress properly,she will not go out late at night,or be too friendly with any man besides her father or brother.she will not drink or smoke,or laugh too loudly or flirt or have sex before marriage she won’t say inappropriate things….Blah Blah Blah!
Not as a woman,but As a human,I say this….. “Our life and our choices are ours.We will decide what We wear,how We dress,the profession we chose,and who We share our heart and our body wit. It’s not anyone’s place to be judgemental of the life We lead,and assume control over it.Non of our choices can ever justify,as an excuse for any mans bestiality. Whether We are sex workers,or a wife,or We are smashed drunk and lying naked,it doesn’t give any man the entitlement to trespass our mind or our body. Sex is consensual when it’s taken without consent it’s rape. PERIOD!!!”
We took our sons to watch this film.And we initiated a conversation with them after watching it to underline that it’s not just a film,it’s a very pertinent point being made against violation of a persons birth right on some ridiculous rules a patriarchal society created in the dinosaur ages.
Our daughters will be safe,if our sons are raised right