Love in times of CORONAVIRUS

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15th March 2020-
News around 7pm-
Spainish prime minister announces national lock down. State of emergency declared.
The highest cases recorded after Italy.
Spike of 1500 cases in 24hours.
Needless to say We had to get the kids back before the borders closed. They were being evacuated from where they stayed.Both in crucial years in school ready to give boards in 2 months. Angry at being uprooted and whisked back only because their mom was over reacting. I didn’t care a bat’s ass.
We had 16 hours to get them on that flight.
March 16th 2020-8am-They Managed to get via dubai(Transit). And just in time because by evening the government and aviation ministry announced people coming from Europe, UAE china and some more countries were going to be quarantined at the port of entry..
Bombay- they were checked at the airport and even though they were checked clean they were taken to 7 hills(which like all hospitals for COVID 19 is a refugee camp) for a 24 hour quarantine. Where they were tested again for temperature and sore throat asked for symptoms if any and sent home in an hour. Understand india has 1.4 billion people and the kits available for testing are less than 1,15000 so asymptomatic people aren’t tested.
Once they were home That’s when the real battle started. Holding 2 raging hormones in rooms is near impossible. Whatever information I shared(not forwards only official info) was vetoed and argued by more stats from them. And then I was threatened that they will block me if I send any more info. But I’m persistent so I send it to the father who doesn’t read because “I over react.”

Rooms are being cleaned, mopped, sanitised with disinfectant(tons of it) by me. clothes being washed seperately, eating alone in the room, bags wiped with sanitizer and put out in the sun before they get packed away. I choose to do it personally because have no staff(I want to die!!!!) and I only trust my ocd to do it right. And I AM the primary care taker of here. (Yes I’m being very cautious and careful)

It’s constant reasoning , explaining, convincing, cajoling , convincing, convercing, fighting, underlining and emphasising social responsibility all on a repeat. Wear mask and gloves, don’t get out if you’re rooms, dont meet anyone, dont get out don’t let anyone in……
Not that they can’t hear it cause of my mask but never question a teenagers ability to block you(I’m blocked on their snap chat). All of the above wit an argumentative son (who should become a lawyer as of yesterday) and another with wheels on his feet (both raging with anger and frustration at being held captive) is taking me to a brink of insanity.
It is exhausting, even more than the cleaning and scrubbing.
Being unreasonable is their birth right and being persistent is mine and I’m at it.
But the most difficult part of it all And all is the absence of tight squashy hugs and kisses and being with them since I saw them at the airport till now…. it’s not easy.
But well This is love in the times of corona.

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