Is this how it’s going to be?
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Ever felt like a garbage bag?
Full of Biodegradable waste of self esteem.
Dry waste of desicated emotions.
Wet waste of emaciated outpourings.
Recyclable waste of guilt.
And all of it a hazardous waste of self worth.
From garbage bags to gurney bags, is it how it’s going to be.
Hi Shefali. I read a book called ‘Normal People’ by ‘Sally Rooney’ recently. It’s an incredibly perceptive account of a relationship between the two protagonists. It really got me thinking. Why do we fall in love? Why does someone find another person attractive, even if they don’t want to?It’s a great book, you should definitely read it if you haven’t. I thought you’d like. ( You said that you’re an incurable romantic😂). In fact I think Sally Rooney is like the Jane Austen of the 21st century. Do read it, it doesn’t take a lot of time anyway.
Thanx fr recommending wil Def Def read
Shefali Shah
Hi Shefali. Read your previous post. I’ve got one question. How did you develop your sense of humour ( you are ridiculously funny😂)? Do you put in active efforts, or does it come to you naturally? Also how can I expand my vocabulary?
Thanku. Just comes. Wicked is my middle name! Read read read read read
Shefali Shah