I choose  to play blind!

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I don’t play cards. I don’t gamble.
I live life!!!It’s far more unpredictable, more intriguing,more adventurous.Its “kamikaze me.”
But Some questions,are improbable and yet unavoidable.Difficult to answer,and almost impossible to decipher.

And yet,they torment you Interrogate your hope,Challenge your faith and Question your belief.

Our brain is an extremely powerful tool. The King! The ruling member,of a not so democratic body.It delivers logic,understanding,ego.It’s more popular with the society,it’s morals and rights and wrongs. It’s self preserving,and too selfish.

The heart on the other hand is emotional,vulnerable, naive. The Queen!Too proud to retaliate,Too dignified to argue, too elite and yet too to consumed to fight back.

One thinks,one feels. Nothing in common,except ego.And I burn,in the friction,of their tug of war.

Or is it,a fire,that comes from elsewhere???

The gut. Yes! It Transcends both. The Ace!

Pure,unadulterated,unaffected and raw. The natural instinct,we are born with. Like breathing. It can’t be,and doesn’t need to be,taught or learned. It’s Unique,like finger prints. Can’t be tampered or influenced.And most importantly ,it belongs only to itself. And takes responsibility. Unapologetic and unabashed. 

There is something else too, that nudges deep inside,I shut it up,”not now I say,I don’t have time for you,I have to win this round. My head and my ego,will make sure I do.”

It continues to tug inside me,till I can’t ignore it.

Ambers of instinct!!!….Flying at me,from the fire in my gut. I am not unaffected,even if I chose. The fire is feeding off me.The joker! Fearless, blaze,foolish and brave.

Before I can douse it with my impatience,my brain challenges it.

Show me the signs it says.

“STOP IT! NOW!” I snap.

I throw my cards on the table,aces and jokers and the king. I can’t seem to find the Queen.To hell with it. I’m done. 

I move on to my cell,reading some random posts,some random people have put,articles on science,philosophy,poetry,everything and anything. An article catches my attention. Like an answer to the cacophony inside me.

Reluctantly,but intrigued,I read…..

.”10 ways your intuition sends you messages!”

There are signs,signs your brain may chose to over look,signs your heart can’t ignore,Unexplainable.

1. Feeling edgy,restless and overwhelmed.

2. A song,or a thought,or a name, that’s playing in your mind,may be reproduced,in front of you,in the most unusual way,billboards,advertisements.

3. Getting goosebumps.

4.Ringing of ears.

5. Dreams.

6. Number patterns come across repeatedly. Like 11:11 or 9:11.etc etc.

Brain rubishes it. Heart believes it. And gut knows it.

Forget it. Too much thinking for the day. I get off the net,and am about to switch of my cell when the time catches my eye, it’s 9:11. 

Is it??? Yes it is!!!

Too uncanny to be true,but ridiculously true,to ignore.

I’m too unnerved to continue,I pack the cards up. And the queen who I couldn’t find some moments ago is miraculously right here.

If they want to burn in her fire or drown in his oceans. It’s their choice.

Who am I to decide…..???

I choose to play blind!

0 comments on "I choose  to play blind!"

  1. Super writing


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