Ration ourselves too.

When my boys were little, study time was as harrowing as it is for every mom. I hated it and so did they. I was then told by a dear…

No instruction manuals

I have been asked repeatedly during this lockdown to give my tips of getting through it. And my only answer is I don’t have any tips to give u. Unprecedented…


The other day when I went for the groceries I also had to stop at a medical store for some supplies for mom & dad.I was on a mission, focused,…

Dystopian times

The bell doesn’t ring any more.Nor does the intercom call.There is no wait for the lift and when it comes it is empty.No lift man nor neighbour to smile at.There…

So close and yet so far

In 2003, Vipul was diagnosed with dengue. His platelets were dropping at a frightening rate and we had to admit him immediately. He was in the hospital for ten days.…


These aren’t normal times.These are very difficult times and we’re all trying to make it as normal as possible in our own way.And anyway that helps maintain you’re sanity is…

The man who went to war

Husband is finally helping me. (In his own limited way.) He’s cleaned the decks, 5 times. picked up dry leaves. (Great start) and watered the plants.(outstanding pun intended) And Said…

Mr. Do-very-little

Men are truly from mars. They behave like extra terrestrials creatures. And they’re not even as cute as E.T. They come up with the weirdest things which are absolutely Incomprehensible.…

Love from afar

In the olden days shaking hands originated To show a stranger you didn’t carry any weapon. You offered you’re empty right hand to show u meant no harm. Remember this…

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