A new phase begins

Multiple times at various points and age in his life he’s flown off. To discover new worlds, new experiences. But this time his packed bags feel heavier that ever. He…

Is this how it’s going to be?

Ever felt like a garbage bag?Full of Biodegradable waste of self esteem.Dry waste of desicated emotions.Wet waste of emaciated outpourings.Recyclable waste of guilt.And all of it a hazardous waste of…


This is the name my son has saved my number under on his phone.Am sure it’s a very common name. 50% of you must be having the same name or…

Soar high my son

Our sonshine boy’s graduation tonight.A landmark moment in our lives.The class of 2020 has been cheated of a huge celebration of growth and flight.Ofcourse we miss being there in the…

Double vision

I have double vision. 1+1 is my mode of choice. Not always sensible or sane but I just do. A split personality probably.Both personalities refusing to share and wanting one…


I love the rains It’s my favourite time of the year. It’s romantic to say the least. Watching lightning still humbles me. The sheer magnificence of it and the force…


Ash-bro mama got 2 toes!!!😁🦶🏼😁 Simba -yeahhhhh💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 means we got two chewies!!!! Ash- I take the flight one!!!! Simba-They both look juicy to me 😋😋😋😋 Atackkkkkkkk!!! 🏃🏽🏃🏽 Ash-Huh???? Wat? Why?…

Residue of things that once were.

This is enough body wash to last for 2 showers if I’m liberal and 3 if I’m stringent. Obviously the gen ex had no idea what all, little, can do.They’ve…


Me and Murphy have a hate hate relationship. I make plans and he craps on it with his law. Jerk. He did exactly the same on 2/3 days ago. I…

Gifts in the time of corona.

He understands what I say (IF he hears me,which is rare). He can decipher my expressions (as over reacting). He completes my sentences(turning the meaning by 365 degrees). And he…

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