Mom’s can be crazy too…..
I love my kids! Yes I do! But does that make me only a mom or can I wish,sometimes,to just be “me”? The “only mommy position” is not imperative,belive me,it’s not…
I love my kids! Yes I do! But does that make me only a mom or can I wish,sometimes,to just be “me”? The “only mommy position” is not imperative,belive me,it’s not…
I hate women with great hair!!! Sorry,but I just seem to find nothing in common with them. Who ever has not had a bad hair day,hasn’t truly experienced life’s ups and…
Whatever you do,live it to the fullest. Express passionately. Fight for what is right. Fall in love,fall in love like never before.fall in love,like it’s what makes you,even if it…
Things we did……As kids on an adventure, Time borrowed,some stolen, Some bought with lies, Stored in…
A moment is nothing but magic…… It appears,unannounced, unexpected and changes a part of you forever,and then,evaporates before you can blink your eyes. …
Sometimes,nostalgia is a crutch. Sometimes,memories,are never too much. Sometimes,protecting,is curbing growth. …
As a woman I know…..The difference between the floor and the laundry basket. I also know,that a napkin is used to wipe the face,not the toilet seat. As a woman…
It takes one to be brave to fall in love……. Yes! It’s a fine line between selflessness, and self destruction. Between risk taking,and callousness. Between giving and loosing ones self.…
I raised my kids telling them,never ever to be the first ones to raise your hand,or,resort to violence. But,I also told them,no matter what anyone said,that don’t get beaten up…
The Look of Love #1: Mira Nair’s Monsoon Wedding (2001)