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The views presented in this blog are honest and mine alone.(spelling and punctuation mistakes include!!)

They do not necessarily represent my marital status,my love life,my sexual preferences, nor my meal options.

I do not suffer from multiple personality disorder even though my prolific professional choices may prove otherwise!!!

But you are hereby warned that I do have “foot in mouth disease” 

But, it’s not meant to offend anyone else because it is my foot and my mouth…..!!!!

0 comments on "Disclaimer "

  1. LIAR…. everything represents ur meal choices 😉😁. But seriously… Dnt worry abt ur disease, we love u for it… Wonder who u’d be without it…. Certainly not honest self.


    1. Hahahahaha Ofcourse they do


  2. No wonder we get on like a house on fire, my foot is permanently in my mouth😀😁😂


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